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Charge Sensitive Preamplifiers &
Front End Electronics


  • Low noise
  • Low power
  • Small size
  • High reliability
  • Radiation hardness

Applications are in:

  • Aerospace
  • Portable instruments
  • Nuclear plant monitoring
  • Imaging
  • Oil logging
  • Research experiments
  • Medical and nuclear electronics
  • Electro optics
[hybrids 42k]
Get the best performance with solid state detectors, proportional counters, photodiodes, PM tubes, CEMs, or MCPs by using Amptek Charge Sensitive Preamplifiers!
Hybrid Selection Table
Model Description Characteristics Applications
A101 Charge Sensitive Preamplifier & Discriminator Sensitivity: 1x106 electrons; Variable threshold; TTL and open collector output; 4MHz periodic; Externally adjustable discrimination levels and pulse width Pulse counting mode with: Photomultiplier tubes (PMT), Channel Electron Multipliers (CEM)
Charge Sensitive Preamplifier & Discriminator Sensitivity: 5x104 electrons; Variable threshold; TTL output; 2.5MHz periodic; Analog monitor output; Externally adjustable discrimination level Pulse counting mode with: Low gain photomultiplier tubes, Proportional counters, and Microchannel plates (MCP)
A121 12MHz Preamplifier Discriminator Sensitivity: 5x104 electrons; Voltage controlled threshold; 12MHz periodic; Analog monitor output; Adjustable pulse width Fast pulse counting mode with: Microchannel plates, Channel Electron Multipliers, Low gain PMTs, Proportional counters, and Solid state detectors
A203 Charge Sensitive Preamplifier & Shaper Preamplifier: Noise 900 electrons RMS; Rise time 50ns
Shaper: 300ns Peaking time; Sensitivity 5V/picocoulomb; Unipolar and bipolar outputs available
Analog Mode with: Solid state detectors, Proportional counters, Photomultiplier tubes, and Channel Electron Multipliers
A206 Pulse Amplifier & Discriminator Amplifier: 10x gain
Discriminator: Sensitivity 50mV; 200kHz periodic; Externally adjustable low level discrimination levels and pulse width
To follow a pulse shaper (A203, A225) for 10x gain and provide low level discrimination
Charge Sensitive Preamplifier & Shaper Preamplifier: Noise <280 electrons RMS; Rise time 20ns
Shaper: 2.5µs peaking time; Sensitivity 5V/picocoulomb
Analog mode with: Solid state detector and Proportional counters
Will accept high capacitance detectors
Charge Sensitive Preamplifier
External FET to match detector characteristics, allows cooling of input FET; Rise time <2.5ns; Noise <100 electrons RMS at +20 °C, <20 electrons RMS with cooled FET All possible detectors can be connected to the A250 since the input FET is external and sensitivity is variable.
The A250 has been called "the best preamplifier in the world", because it can be adjusted by the user to perfectly match the detector characteristics, reduce noise, and maximize performance in every application.
Pulse Amplifier Low noise (4nV/ÖHz); Ultra low power (15mW), High slew rate (100V/µs), Wide band (ft=200MHz); Differential input, configurable as a shaping amplifier with adjustable gain and time constants Used for gain and shaping with the A250 or other charge preamps
A150 Pulse Amplitude Discriminator Tunnel diode snap action discriminator; Complementary CMOS outputs; 5MHz periodic; Externally adjustable discrimination level and pulse width To follow a pulse shaper (A203, A225, A275) for accurate level discrimination
BLR1 Baseline Restorer Restores baseline in high counting rate applications For use with the A275, A203, A225
PH300 Peak-Hold Detector To hold the peak of the analog pulse and interface with Analog to Digital converters. Both Wilkinson type and successive approximation ADC can be accommodated; Low power (<30mW); Low droop rate (<1µV/µs); Fast analog rise time (200ns) To be used with the A275, A225, A203 or any other pulse amplifier

Selection Table for Hybrids
ModelPreamplifierPulse AmplifierDiscriminatorPackageTest Board
A101Yes (no output)Yes (no output)Yes (main output)TO-8(.600)-12 pinPC-11
A111Yes (no output)Yes (analog monitor)Yes (main output)TO-8(.600)-12 pinPC-21
A111FYes (no output)Yes (analog monitor)Yes (main output)SIP-6 pinPC-21
A121Yes (no output)Yes (analog monitor)Yes (voltage controlled)SIP-9 pinPC-121
A203Yes (separate input, output)Yes (separate input, output)NoDIP(.300)-16 pinPC-236
A206NoYes (separate input, output)Yes (separate input, output)DIP(.300)-16 pinPC-236/PC-25
A225Yes (timing pulse output)Yes (main output)NoDIP(.300)-14 pinPC-25
A250Yes (external FET, variable gain)NoNoDIP(.300)-14 pinPC-250
A275NoYes (externally adjustable gain and shaping time)NoDIP(.300)-14 pinPC-275
A150NoNoYes (voltage controlled)DIP(.300)-14 pinNone
BLR1NoNoNoTO-8(.500)-12 pinPC-275

* Test boards are offered for most hybrids in order to simplify testing and prototype work. They provide ground plane configurations and all the necessary components needed to quickly evaluate and test the product. Test boards are strongly recommended for first time users.

Screening Options for Hybrids
Standard: "Amptek High Reliability Screening"
  • Precap Visual: MIL-STD-883, Method 2017, low magnification, high magnification
  • Sealing: Welded, Hermetic Seal
  • Stamping: Date Code and Serial Number
  • Stabilization Bake: MIL-STD-883, Method 1008, Condition C. +150 °C, 24 hours minimum
  • Temperature Cycle: MIL-STD-883, Method 1010, Condition C. Min. T=-65 °C to +150 °C, 10 minutes each extreme, 5 minutes maximum transfer time
  • Centrifuge: MIL-STD-883, Method 2001, condition B. YI axis; 10,000 G's
  • Electrical Test: As per Specifications
  • Burn-In Test: MIL-STD-883, Method 1015, 160 hours at +125 °C
  • Fine Leak Test: MIL-STD-883, Method 1014, Condition A. Rejection if leak rate in excess of 5x10-7 cc/sec.
  • Gross Leak Test: MIL-STD-883, Method 1014, Condition C. Perflourocarbon
  • Electrical Test: As per Specification
  • External Visual: MIL-STD-883, Method 2009
Option 1:
Includes STANDARD Screening plus the following:
  • Nondestructive Bond Pull (100%), MIL-STD-883, Method 2023
  • Particle Impact Noise Detection (PIND), MIL-STD-883, Method 2020
  • Radiographic, MIL-STD-883, Method 2012
  • Final Electrical Tests at +70 °C and -25 °C
Option 2:
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Preferred Parts List (PPL-20), GSFC S-311-P698 includes STANDARD Screening, plus OPTION 1, plus the following:
  • Pre-assembly Parts Qualification (Element Evaluation)
  • Package Evaluation
  • Customer Precap Visual Inspection
  • Destructive Bond Pull Test on sample devices
  • Die Shear Test on sample devices
  • Moisture Test
  • Optional Extended Burn-In
  • Pre and Post Burn-In Deltas
  • Additional Quality Control Inspections (QCI)
  • Lot Qualification (1000 hours Steady State Life Test at 125 °C on sample devices)
Option 3:
Customer Supplied Source Control Document
There is a 50 piece minimum order for each hybrid type with Option 1,
and a 100 piece minimum order for Options 2 or 3.

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