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25mm2 X 500µm X-Ray Detector


  • Large Area - 25mm2
  • High Efficiency - 500µm thick
  • 250 eV FWHM Resolution @ 5.9keV
  • No Liquid Nitrogen


  • X-Ray Fluorescence
  • OEM and Process Control
  • Research
  • Environmental and Nuclear Plant Monitoring

The XR-100CR 25mm2X500µm Si-PIN thermoelectrically cooled x-ray detector detector is the latest addition to Amptek's successful line of X-Ray detectors that revolutionized the industry.

With a large 25mm2 detection area and the high efficiency of 500µm thickness, this detector system combines high performance and practical, cost effective solutions to many applications.

x-ray detector performance spectrum

Comparison of 300µm and 500µm Detectors. Shows the increased efficiency of the 5mmX5mmX500µm detector.
See Efficiency Curves

XR-100CR 25mm2X500µm Typical Applications

In this example of Lead (Pb) Fluorescence, the 500µm thick detector enables detection of both the K and L lines.
In this spectrum of Stainless Steel 316, the Molybdenum (Mo) peak is prominently shown due to the high efficiency of the detector.
Spectrum of a typical industrial application of Gold (Au) plated on Nickel (Ni).

All Spectra Taken with Amptek MCA8000A Multichannel Analyzer

Specifications in PDF format (455K)

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Revised February 8, 2001