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XR-100CR Additional Spectra and Performance

Additional Spectra

XR-100CR Efficiency Curves

Low Energy Performance of the XR-100CR

Figure 7. 55Fe, 57Co, and Test Pulser.
241Am Spectrum
Figure 9. 241Am Spectrum.
Pb fluorescence
Figure 10. Lead (Pb) Fluorescence from 109Cd.
XR100CR vs. Si(Li)
Figure 11. Amptek XR-100CR Si-PIN Detector Compared with Si(Li) Detector.

XR-100CR Efficiency Curves

efficiency fig 2
Figure 2.

Figure 2 (linear) shows the intrinsic full energy detection efficiency for the XR-100CR detectors. This efficiency corresponds to the probability that an X-ray will enter the front of the detector and deposit all of its energy inside the detector via the photoelectric effect.

efficiency fig 3
Figure 3.

Figure 3 (log) shows the probability of a photon undergoing any interaction, along with the probability of a photoelectric interaction which results in total energy deposition. As shown, the photoelectric effect is dominant at low energies but at higher energies above about 40 keV the photons undergo Compton scattering, depositing less than the full energy in the detector.

Both figures above combine the effects of transmission through the Beryllium window (including the protective coating), and interaction in the silicon detector. The low energy portion of the curves is dominated by the thickness of the Beryllium window, while the high energy portion is dominated by the thickness of the active depth of the Si detector. Depending on the window chosen, 90% of the incident photons reach the detector at energies ranging from 2 to 3 keV. Depending on the detector chosen, 90% of the photons are detected at energies up to 9 to 12 keV.

The Low Energy Performance of the XR-100CR

low energy performance spectrum

low energy performance spectrum linear zoom

The figures above show the performance of the XR-100CR down to Fluorine (0.68 keV). The spectra were taken with a standard 7mm2 detector, a 0.3 mil (8µm) Berylium window, an internal Tungsten (W) collimator, and a 20µs shaper. The samples were Epsom Salt (MgSO4), Magnesium (Mg), and common salt (NaCl) irradiated by an 55Fe source.

The present detection limit of the XR-100CR is at Oxygen (0.53 keV)

oxygen spectrum

oxygen spectrum linear zoom

Amptek X-Ray Chart (K and L emission lines)

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Revised February 6, 2001