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MCA8000A COM Programming Page

The MCA8000A Communication protocol has been adapted by many people for platforms other than Windows. Because of this, Amptek has decided to post the source code of the DLL's it provides for Windows to facilitate the programmer's task in adapting the MCA8000A to other operating systems. Between the DLL source code and the Data Transfer Protocol, the programmer should find it much easier to adapt the MCA8000A. The goal is to create a "user's" page here where programmers can submit their modified code to help other user's in their adaptations and applications. Programmers at any point in their project can submit their code along with contact information to the email address below and it will be posted on this page with full recognition and credit. Ultimately we hope to have drivers for a wide variety of operating systems and platforms posted here. If you have already adapted the code for a particular applications please submit it to the email address below. It will greatly help in getting this page going.

DLL Source Code

Click on this link to download the dll source code ZIP file (19K).

Data Transfer Protocol

The Data Transfer Protocol is included in the Help File of the Windows Software as one of the chapters and at the end of the MCA8000A DOS Manual (available in PDF at the MCA8000A Software Download Page). It is also available here, as a stand alone document, in PDF format.

Data Transfer Protocol in PDF (128K)

Submit Your Code Here

Submit your code to the webmaster: webmaster@amptek.com

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Revised February 5, 2001