The patented hydraulic access system, and all types of fittings etc. A full range of coupons and probes, both descriptions and data sheets. Corrosion monitoring tools such as MultiCorr meter, MultiTrend software, MultiLog on-line logger. Corrosion monitoring projects and references Request copies of all corrosion monitoring data sheets
CorrOcean offers a range of products and services related to corrosion monitoring of structures and pipes, ranging from the offshore oil and gas industry to onshore industries such as refineries, petrochemical plants and power plants.
Access Fittings, plugs and covers
CorrOcean offers a complete range of access fittings, plugs, standard and pressure retaining covers.

We also offer inspection planning, retrieval and analysis. Let us be your full service provider!

Hydraulic Fittings and Retrieval system

The hydraulic access fitting and retriever system is used to change coupons or probes under operational pressure.

  • Safer than mechanical systems
  • Half the size and weight of traditional systems
  • Retrofits to any existing mechanical system
A Range of Probes
  • ER probes
  • LPR probes
  • Galvanic probes
  • Sand Erosion probes
  • Combined Corrosion and Erosion probes
Coupons and coupon holders
  • Weight loss coupons and holders
  • Bio, Weld and Scale Coupons
  • Coupon retrieval and analysis

Off-line corrosion monitoring

 CorrOcean's hand-held meter MultiCorr is a versatile instrument with capabilities equal to many full scale laboratories. Often the dedicated MultiLog logger is used (on-line or off-line) to interrogate the probe at regular interval and store the data safely.

On-line Corrosion Monitoring

For full corrosion control, link the individual corrosion probes and MultiLog loggers in a full, on-line network.

Corrosion Monitoring software

CorrOcean offers MultiTrend, a comprehensive PC software which includes

  • equipment management

  • data retrieval and analysis

  • presentation of results and trends

Corrosion and Erosion Management

Corrosion and erosion management are key parts to maintaining the integrity of pipelines. Safe operation depends on preventing loss of containment, but significant cost savings are also obtained through the use of alternative materials, optimised chemical usage, and more effective deployment of monitoring equipment.
