Reading the Results

CorrOcean provides a full range of tools for reading probes and presenting the best analysis and results - also for probes from other manufacturers.

 Some of the most important tools are listed below. Quick intro to corrosion monitoring

The MultiLog is a  field logger for interrogation of all types of corrosion probes, often utilised process plants or onshore and offshore installations.

MultiLog is used both off-line (data collection using MultiCorr) and on-line (proprietary field bus or 4-20mA current loop connection).

Corrosion Monitoring CM-1
MultiLog data

The MultiCorr is probably the most flexible and sophisticated handheld corrosion meter available. It is designed for direct interrogation of all types of corrosion probes, but can also be suplied as an autonomous data acquisition unit for continuous monitoring.


Corrosion Monitoring CM-2
MultiCorr Data

MultiTrend is a comprehensive PC software which includes
  • equipment management

  • data retrieval and analysis

  • presentation of results and trends

Multitrend can be used with probes from all manufacturers.

MultiTrend Data
Corrosion and Erosion Management
Corrosion and erosion management are key parts to maintaining the integrity of pipelines. Safe operation depends on preventing loss of containment, but significant cost savings are also obtained through the use of alternative materials, optimised chemical usage, and more effective deployment of monitoring equipment.