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Uranium and Plutonium Detection with CZT Detectors

Uranium Energy Spectra

Below are Uranium spectra taken with Amptek CZT Detectors. The spectra show the differences between 95% and 97% enriched levels of Uranium-235, natural Uranium Ore, and Depleted Uranium.

97% Enriched Uranium-235 Disk

97% Enriched Uranium-235 Sphere

95% Enriched Uranium-235 spectrum

uranium oxide log spectrum

uranium oxide linear spectrum

Depleted Uranium

Plutonium Energy Spectrum

Below is a 94% Enriched Plutonium-239 Spectrum taken with an Amptek CZT Detector.

94% Enriched Plutonium spectrum

Other Reference

"Use of miniature CdZnTe X/gamma detector in nuclear safegaurds: characterisation of spent nuclear fuel and uranium enrichment determination."
K.Abbas (a), J. Morel (b), M. Etcheverry (b), G. Nicolaou (a)
(a) European Commission, Joint Research Centre Institute for Transuranium Elements Postfach 2340, D-76125 Karlruhe, Germany
(b) Laboratoire Primaire des Rayonnements Ionisants, CE-Saclay B.P. 52,F-91193 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France
Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 405, p.153-158, 1998.

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Revised February 6, 2001