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Electrostatic Analyzer Detector

  • Spacecraft Charging Instrumentation
  • Plasma Analyzer
  • Electron and Ion Detector
  • Total Energy Detector

Models ESA-200 and ESA-500 are Electrostatic Analyzer Detectors (ESA) designed for satellite and space systems use that detect and analyze electrons and ions, and provide information on angular distribution of the incoming particles. Small size, low power dissipation, radiation hardening, and high reliability make the ESA systems ideal for measuring the charged particle environment in the Magnetosphere and monitoring Spacecraft Charging events.


The ESA-200 is a modular instrument of the cylindrical plate type, which can be configured to detect electrons, ions, or both. The energy of the particles to be analyzed can vary from a few eV to 60 keV. The ESA-200 includes the ESA plates, channel electron multiplier (CEM) detectors, precision high voltage generators to drive the analyzer plates and provide bias to the detectors, and output logic to interface with the spacecraft.

The ESA-500 is also modular, but uses a nested spherical deflection plate system to simultaneously analyze electrons and ions over a 90 o field of view. It utilizes a space qualified microprocessor that permits customizing data rates, measurement ranges, on board storage, and specific analysis algorithms, such as Auroral boundary detection or real time charging measurements.


Typical Configuration

Both instruments permit a broad energy passband that may be customized with respect to absolute sensitivity, sweep rates, and data format. A typical configuration measures one second intervals of electrons and ions from 30 eV to 30 KeV over an 8° x 2° (ESA-200) or an 8° x 90° (ESA-500) viewing angle.

Small Size5"x5"x6"
Lightweight6 lbs. (2.7 kg)7 lbs. (3.2 kg)
Low Power0.5 Watts from a 28 VDC supply1.5 Watts from a 28 VDC supply

Amptek has a long and distinguished track record in the manufacture of space instrumentation. Mission examples include: DMSP (ESA-500 is the SSJ5 instrument), TIROS, CRRES, NEAR and APEX. Current off-the-shelf Amptek sensors measure spacecraft charging, thermal and suprathermal, and high energy particles. In addition, Amptek provided the X-ray Detector on the Mars Pathfinder Mission.

High reliability components from Amptek have contributed to the success of many missions, including: GALILEO, CASSINI, GIOTTO, AXAF, SUISEI, CLUSTER, SOLAR, GEOTAIL, SOHO, WIND and AMPTE.

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Revised February 7, 2001