Pacific Science & Technology : Lighting Loggers

SmartWareTM 2000 is the newest version of software used with the Time-of-use SmartloggersTM. Logger configuration, data collection, and data analysis are accomplished using this simple but powerful tool.

Start-up Screen
SmartwareTM is very simple to use. All functions can be accessed through 1 of the 6 main pull-down menus.

Load Profile Graph
SmartwareTM is a powerful tool for increasing your metering analysis capabilities. Load profile analysis is just one of the built-in features that will help make your life easier.

Time-Of-Use (TOU) SmartwareTM retrieves data from the loggers using the RS-232 Interface Cable. SmartwareTM runs a variety of analyses and graphs, changes information in the logger's memory, and exports the data to other applications such as:
  • Spreadsheets such as Excel and Lotus
  • Databases such as Access, SAS, LoadStar, or dBase
  • CSV (Commas Separated Variables) use in word processors
SmartWareTM features include:
  • On-time graphs
  • Rate schedule graphs and summaries
  • kWh calculations
  • Load profile graphs and data points
  • Summary statistics
  • Time series analysis

Pacific Science & Technology : CT Loggers

SmartLoggersTM Data Summary Example
Data File Name..........................D:/TEMP/40226001.LOG
Logger Serial#...........................970922-364

Logger Reset.............................11/28/97 at 14:39
Data Starts.................................11/28/97 at 14:39
Total Elapsed Time...................2154.94 hours
ON-Time since RESET.............806.3 hours

# of Turn-ONs..........................844
Percent ON................................37.4%
Total ON-Time..........................806.38 hours (121.0 kWh)
Average ON-Time....................0.96 hours (.143 kWh)
Longest ON-Time.....................14.53 hours (2.18 kWh)
Shortest ON-Time.....................<0.01 hrs (0.00004) kWh

# of Turn-OFFs.........................844
Percent OFF...............................62.6%
Total OFF-Time.........................1348.57 hours (121.0 kWh)
Average OFF-Time...................1.6 hours (.143 kWh)
Longest OFF-Time....................69.69 hours (2.18 kWh)
Shortest OFF-Time....................<0.01 hrs (0.00004) kWh

On-Time Analysis Graph
Time-of-use data are easily viewed using this feature.

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Pacific Science & Technology : Motor Loggers