High power generation in the 200
KHz to 10 MHz frequency range
- HI1 Technology
Current high intensity IMASONIC technology called HI1
allows high power generation in both continuous and burst modes. Power
limitations have to be defined for each situation according to frequency and
duty cycle :
At 1.5 MHz with a burst duration of 4 seconds and a break
time of 15 seconds, the transmitted electrical power can be as high as 30 W/cm?*
during the burst (mean power up to 6 W/cm?*).
- HI2 Technology
A new technology called HI2 which provides an even
greater power capability than HI1 will soon available.
At 1.5 MHz, the HI2 technology permits duty cycle of up to 80%
with a mean transmitted electrical power of up to 30 W/cm?*.
* Input power per unit of
radiating area
Large bandwidth
- 40 to 60% of nominal frequency at -3dB in
transmission with electrically matched driving electronics
- Frequency sweep and/or modulation capability,
- Short pulses can be transmitted and received by
all or part of the radiating surface for pulse echo detection.
- Special curvatures and apertures can be produced
to focus the energy into a well defined volume.
Thickness mode vibration without
parasitic modes
- Clean and predictable beam pattern without
spurious lobes inside the medium.
Radiating surface electrically
Array structure capability
- For some advanced applications, piezocomposite
transducers can be produced as annular, linear or matrix arrays. These
arrays are dedicated to electric focusing or steering in applications where
focus distance, beam width adjustment, or beam scanning are required.