Response monitoring - measuring strain or movement, using small and effective instrument packages Flexible pipe RBI, polymer monitoring (coupons or on-line instrumentation) Any inspection or repair - we can adapt it for ROV and subsea use We will send you the appropriate data sheets - just fill in this simple form
CorrOcean offers a range of products and services related to condition monitoring of structures and pipes, ranging from the offshore oil and gas industry to onshore industries such as refineries, petrochemical plants and power plants.

Some of the products described elswhere, such as the FSM system, the sand and erosion monitorin probes and our pressure/temperature sensors, may also be considered condition monitoring equipment.

Instrumented  response monitoring
  • Response monitoring systems provide an efficient solution for measuring the in-service response of structures, risers and moorings for active control or updating of service life models.
  • Increased availability and operational window
  • Quantification of potential fatigue and extreme event damage to minimize inspection and maximize service life
  • Design verification, model calibration and quatification of response behaviour
See overview brochure for RiMIS
Specialized NDT Services
CorrOcean performs NDT testing of risers, bend stiffeners etc.

CorrOcean also develops NDT and repair tools for subsea ROV use.

Condition monitoring of flexible pipes

With the increased age of flexible pipes in use and more demanding applications for many of the new flexible flow lines and risers, there is a growing need for methods and equipment for integrity monitoring of flexible pipes. CorrOcean offers:
  • In-service verification of structural integrity of the pipe
  • On-line monitoring of degradation of critical polymer components.
  • Failure warning systems with respect to water ingress and rupture of the diffusion barrier
  • Monitoring of internal and external exposure of the flexible pipes to optimise service life predictions
See overview brochure